Emma Lies (2022)
6 episodes 15min each | Swiss German | Directed by: Bettina Oberli | Created by: Laura de Weck | Production: Martin Joss (C-FILMS AG), Peter Reichenbach (C-FILMS AG), Roland Stebler (C-FILMS AG) | Coproduction: Bettina Oberli (Looping Film GmbH)

The initially harmless and funny tall tales of eight-year-old Emma (Alma Klingenbeck) involve her chaotic family in a discourse.
discourse: What is true? What is a lie? True or false? Is it permissible to lie? And if so, when? These questions gradually bring the lies of the other family members to light:
the concealed affair of mother Isabelle (Johanna Bantzer) and the attempt of family father Christian (Martin Vischer) to save his marriage, which is built on lies. In the end, no one really knows who in this family is still telling the truth or what is a lie.