Summer Outside (2013)
95min | Swiss German, German | Directed by: Friederike Jehn | Script: Lara Schützsack, Friederike Jehn | Production: To the golden lamb |
Coproduction: Anne Walser (C-FILMS AG), SRF
Bellinzona 2, Castellinaria Festival, Premio Ambiente e Salute: Quality of life 2013
Schwerin, Filmkunstfest Mecklenburg-West Pomerania, The Flying Ox 2013
Schwerin, Mecklenburg-West Pomeranian Film Art Festival, Young Actors Award 2013
"Summer Outside" is an emotional family drama, a homage to "being allowed to be a child". 14-year-old Wanda (Maria Draus) moves to Switzerland with her family. Everything is supposed to be better here. The big house with the overgrown garden, the idyllic and pretty town - all this seems like a great promise for the three children.
But the new beginning is difficult for all of them. The desire for an intact family and the desperate effort to function better now soon cause old hurts to flare up again. When Wanda decides to reclaim her family, she reaches the end of her tether. An eventful summer.